Our Hiatus is officially over!
Hey all! Hope 2024 has been treating you all well so far!
For our part, I'm thankful to say that the team and the game are in a much better state than when we last checked in.
You may have seen our social media accounts start back up recently, including our Discord server. In addition, we're gearing up for our first in-person event of the year over in Marshfield, WI! If you find yourself in the area on May 19th, head on over to OMG - Oddities, Manga and Games and join us!
We've also just uploaded the first episode of our new Podcast, 'Behind the [SYNTAX]. In it, we discuss various aspects of the different characters, campaigns and settings that inspired [SYNSOULS]! By the end of the day, you should be able to find it on the following services: Spotify
Amazon Music
Podcast Index
Podcast Addict
Pocket Casts
Listen Notes
Player FM
Castro Castbox
Goodpods We're also working on getting listed on Apple Podcasts, but (as with everything Apple) it's a bit of a process.
Play-testing is back as well, as we work towards our goal of 210 matches! Thats 7 matches each between each deck combination. We'd love for you to take part in it yourselves and submit your results over in our discord server!
As for distribution, the team is still unsure on whether to pursue crowdfunding again, or go with something on a smaller scale. Finances are still a concern, but we aren't letting it hold us down.
We've also alluded to a second project in the past, and while we aren't ready to make a formal announcement just yet, progress is being made on it!
All in all, the team is glad to be back after our much needed break and can't wait to play a match or two with everyone!
Happy to hear from you guys,
I think maybe a small-scale crowdfunding on KS or something similar would be good. Makes more sense to build up name recognition with a succesful launch than it is to get a whole bunch of cards out.
Not letting go of any long term plans, just walking before running.
Thank you guys for being determined,